Exo-Port™ Liposuction Skin Ports

EXO-PORT sample pack of 3Exo-Port Ø3.0mm (Pack/ 5)Exo-Port Ø4.0mm (Pack/ 5)Exo-Port Ø5.0mm (Pack/ 5)Exo-Port™ MAX (Pack/ 5)

Exo-Port™ Liposuction Skin Ports

EXO-PORT liposuction skin ports were designed for procedures which require the need for protecting the incisional site from frictional or thermal abrasions that may occur in power assisted and/ or particularly in ultrasound-assisted liposuction.

Recommended for PAL/ UAL Assisted Devices

- Cutaneous hyperpigmentation
- Friction burns
- Hypertrophic scarring
- Thermal lesions
- Tissue Necrosis
- Trauma